We are passionate about uniting activists and collaborating on a vision for a brighter tomorrow. Help us promote LOVE, HOPE, and ACCEPTANCE by supporting these great organizations.
Here at a. love society, we understand that not everyone is given the gift of creative design. This is why we feel it is our responsibility to use our God-given abilities for the greater good.
If you share our passion to help others, and would like to help us with our global mission by using your creative talents, please apply with a short overview of how we can collab and UNITE to heighten Acceptance. *Please direct your email to unite@autisticlove.org
Artist For A-wearness is a UNITE opportunity to also share your talents with our community. We are looking for artists to help us heighten Acceptance by donating their time to create a design, with our logo, that we can either screen or print to benefit non-profit organizations that share our goal of assisting those in need.
*** We are in the process of organizing this movement so please stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. THANK YOU!!! ***